Common Referral Questions

Common Child/Adolescent Referral Questions for a Comprehensive Assessment:

Does my child/client have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Is it really Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Why is my child/client not responding to their medications/therapy?

My child/client has multiple diagnoses!  What is really going on?

What is getting in the way of my child’s learning?


Common Adult Referral Questions for a Comprehensive Assessment:

I have always felt so different.  Do I have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

What is my/my client’s real diagnosis?

What types/levels of service in the community will be the best for me/my client?

I had an evaluation completed but I don’t understand it/don’t agree with it.  Can you help me?

How can I/my client work to feel better?  How do I/we get there?